
Celebrities in Lederhosen Embracing Bavarian Fashion Trends

Celebrities in Lederhosen

Lederhosen has always been in the mainstream for its unique trim and 3, 5, 7, or even 9 seams. At Oktoberfest or any important event in Munich, all the celebs prefer wearing Lederhosen, which holds the status of “traditional German costume,” also known as Tracht. Public faces wearing leather breeches during their visits signify the importance and popularity of Bavarian leather shorts in the region. Each look adds a dimension to the fashion catalog of Bavarian traditional trends. 

Dissecting the Tracht Looks of Public Figures

Celebrities haven't shied away from rocking Bavarian shorts and they are seen everywhere, from the oom-pah bands of Munich to the Hollywood red carpets. Let's look at how some A-listers have made headlines wearing lederhosen.

Joe Jonas and the Classic Look

With a catchy Instagram caption, “A cup of Joe getting meaty in Berlin,” Joe Jonas, a band member of the Jonas brothers, posted a picture wearing Lederhosen. Joe chose a modern approach, opting for slate grey two-toned leather breeches with a classic crisp white shirt. The accessories he chose perfectly blended with the look: classic loferl, velvet maroon Oktoberfest vest with black leather shoes. This formal yet sophisticated look stayed true to the garment's heritage while appearing undeniably cool.

Robert Downey Jr.'s Edgy Interpretation

Robert Downey Jr. is known for creating bold appearances and embracing traditions with open arms. He chose traditional dark brown lederhosen with beige embroidery. He wore a non-traditional, modern “sleek black shirt” with a camel brown coat, green socks, and brown boots. The men’s neckerchief, he added, was a true statement piece binding the whole look together, making it traditional yet very modern and edgy. Most importantly, during the Iron Men tour, the actor Robert stayed true to the saying, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”

Samuel L. Jackson's Bold Choice

Samuel L. Jackson, the Avengers actor known for his looks and daring fashion sense, took a more fashionista route when he wore lederhosen at the 2016 Oktoberfest celebrations in Munich. Jackson's lederhosen was a head-turner—a traditional brown lederhosen with intricate black embroidered motifs showcasing oak leaves and edelweiss flowers. He paired them with a checkered trachten blue shirt and a statement felt hat. A maroon vest, blue quilted coat, and white stocking socks brought in a very bold Oktoberfest-appropriate look in front of everyone. Samuel was seen blending in with everyone, enjoying beer, and going about Oktoberfest. 

Ed Sheeran’s Traditional Lederhosen Take 

Ed Sheeran took the stage, mesmerizing his audience with his electric performance at Frankfurt Oktoberfest. What captured everyone's attention was Sheeran's look. He wore traditional camel brown bundhosen, and unlike others, he went traditional full-blown by choosing matching suspenders. The traditional clothing and accessories were adorned with intricate embroidery. The blue checkered trachten shirt complemented the leather breeches. He created a very boyish look by adding a pair of trainers to the look. 

Wax Mueseum Lederhosen Looks

The Madame Tussauds wax museum in Vienna presents an exceptional view with many celebrities dressed in the traditional Bavarian garb. The best thing about the visit is a half-litre complimentary beer glass and pretzel. George Clooney is sitting at a table like a true gentleman, wearing a brown lederhosen with a sleek white shirt and a formal Oktoberfest vest. The Johnny Depp wax statue is very unique when donned in red Men’s lederhosen costume, green vest, and brown trachten jacket with some statement pieces around the neck. Will Smith's cheeky look is appealing, with a big green shirt bringing out the whole Bavarian lookout.

Influence of Celebrities on Lederhosen

Although Lederhosen has been around forever, celebrities and fashion icons wearing German trousers make them more relevant. Youths look up to their favorites in the industry and follow what they promote. After all these celebrities wore Bavarian shorts, the following of Bavarian shorts skyrocketed. The style choices of these public figures also influence the public to decide which type of Lederhosen to wear for Oktoberfest.


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