
11 Interesting Facts About Oktoberfest You Probably Didn't Know

interesting facts about Oktoberfest

The Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany, attracts millions of visitors from all over the globe every year. This celebration honors Bavarian culture, delicious beer, and flourishing traditions. Aside from the festivities, it is also essential to understand Oktoberfest history and facts.

Oktoberfest has spread worldwide since its beginnings. It captures the attention of beer lovers and tourists interested in other cultures. But what, exactly, lies beneath the surface of this extravaganza?

Let's go into the world of reality and learn what makes Oktoberfest so special. This blog post will discuss some fascinating facts about Oktoberfest - the history of Oktoberfest food traditions and the best things about the festival atmosphere.

Getting the facts about Oktoberfest helps appreciate what makes this celebration so iconic.

Fact 1: It was a Marriage Celebration

Do you the official start of the Oktoberfest celebration? It’s the wedding of Crown Prince Ludwig of Bavaria to Princess Therese of Saxony-Hildburghausen on October 12, 1810. The people of Munich held a huge horse race in honor of the royal wedding, and the tradition has continued every year since.

Fact 2. Name and Extended Timeline

Despite its name, Oktoberfest usually begins in late September and extends into the first weekend of October. This elongated schedule allows visitors more time to enjoy the festivities.

Fact 3. The Tapping of the First Keg

The festival officially kicks off with the "tapping of the first keg" ceremony. The Mayor of Munich traditionally opens the first beer barrel with a wooden mallet and shouts, "O'zapft is!" which means "It's tapped!" in Bavarian dialect.

Fact 4. Beer Extravaganza

Beer and Oktoberfest go hand in hand. Only breweries located inside Munich's municipal borders are eligible to take part. Munich follows The Reinheitsgebot (Beer Purity Law) of 1516 to ensure the highest quality brews.

Fact 5. Biergartens and Halls

The festival offers both open-air beer gardens and large indoor beer halls. Each venue has its unique charm, with lively music and ample servings of beer, bratwurst, and pretzels.

Fact 5. Biergartens and Halls

The festival offers both open-air beer gardens and large indoor beer halls. Each venue has its unique charm, with lively music and ample servings of beer, bratwurst, and pretzels.

Fact 6. Masskrug (Maß)

The iconic beer mugs used at Oktoberfest are called Masskrug. They hold precisely one liter of beer, and it's customary to clink them together and exclaim "Prost!" before taking a sip.

Fun Fact: There are beer police checking everyone is served the exact amount of Beer. 

Fact 7. Dirndls and Lederhosen

Traditional dresses Bavarian costume is highly encouraged. Women often don Dirndls, while men sport Lederhosen - leather shorts held up by suspenders. These outfits add to the festival's charming authenticity.

Fact 8. Amusement Park Fun

Oktoberfest is more than just beer; it's a carnival as well. Thrilling rides, games, and attractions are scattered throughout the festival grounds, providing fun for all ages.

Fact 9. Security Measures

With millions of visitors, security is a top priority. Police presence is high, and there are strict regulations to ensure safety and crowd control.  In Weisn, authorities have installed Surveillance cameras to maintain a peaceful atmosphere.

Fact 10. Economic Impact

Beyond the revelry, Oktoberfest has a substantial economic impact. It generates billions of euros in revenue for the city of Munich, benefiting hotels, restaurants, and businesses of all kinds.

Fact 11. Post Office
Oktoberfest has its post office to send gifts and souvenirs to your loved ones from Wiesn.

Oktoberfest Food Facts

Oktoberfest is the heaven of  Bavarian culinary traditions. Volkfest makes Bavarian food a unique and flavorful experience for visitors worldwide. Here are some food facts about Oktoberfest:

Traditional Bavarian Cuisine

Oktoberfest is not just about beer; it also celebrates Bavarian cuisine. Traditional foods from the Bavarian region of Germany take center stage during the festival.


Pretzels, or "Brezeln" in German, are a staple at Oktoberfest. These large, doughy, and salty treats are often served with mustard and are a popular snack among festival-goers. Pretzel eating content is head at Oktoberfest, and the winner is titled “Pretzel Eating Champion.”


Sausages are a must at Oktoberfest. Bratwurst (pork sausages) and Weisswurst (veal and pork sausages) are the most common types. They are typically served with sauerkraut and mustard.

Sweets and Desserts

Traditional Bavarian sweets like apple strudel (Apfelstrudel) and various pastries are available for those with a sweet tooth.

Vegetarian and Vegan Options

In recent years, Oktoberfest has expanded its food offerings to cater to vegetarians and vegans, with options like vegetarian sausages and plant-based dishes.

Food Stalls

Besides the large beer tents, you'll find numerous food stalls throughout the festival grounds, offering a wide range of Bavarian and international dishes.

Food Tokens

At Oktoberfest, attendees often use a token system to purchase food and drinks. This helps streamline transactions and is a convenient way to enjoy the festival's culinary delights.

Food Prices

While Oktoberfest food is delicious, it can be relatively expensive due to the festival's popularity and the high demand for traditional Bavarian dishes.

To Wrap It Up!
Oktoberfest is not just a beer festival; it's a rich tapestry of history, culture, and tradition. It brings people together from around the world to experience the warmth and camaraderie of Bavaria.

The Bavarian Volkfest experience is filled with Oktoberfest history and facts. Wear your best traditional attire from Lederhosens and enjoy the best things about Oktoberfest.


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